eng.rsuse crate::formatting::prefix::Prefix;
use crate::formatting::unit::Unit;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
use super::*;
const DEFAULT_NUMBER_WIDTH: usize = 2;
pub const DEFAULT_NUMBER_FORMATTER: EngFormatter = EngFormatter {
show: true,
unit: None,
unit_has_space: false,
unit_hidden: false,
prefix: None,
prefix_has_space: false,
prefix_hidden: false,
prefix_forced: false,
range: f64::NEG_INFINITY..=f64::INFINITY,
pub struct EngFormatter {
show: bool,
width: usize,
unit: Option<Unit>,
unit_has_space: bool,
unit_hidden: bool,
prefix: Option<Prefix>,
prefix_has_space: bool,
prefix_hidden: bool,
prefix_forced: bool,
pad_with: PadWith,
range: RangeInclusive<f64>,
impl EngFormatter {
pub(super) fn from_args(args: &[Arg]) -> Result<Self> {
for arg in args {
match arg.key {
"width" | "w" => {
result.width = arg.parse_value()?;
"unit" | "u" => {
result.unit = Some(arg.parse_value()?);
"hide_unit" => {
result.unit_hidden = arg.parse_value()?;
"unit_space" => {
result.unit_has_space = arg.parse_value()?;
"prefix" | "p" => {
result.prefix = Some(arg.parse_value()?);
"hide_prefix" => {
result.prefix_hidden = arg.parse_value()?;
"prefix_space" => {
result.prefix_has_space = arg.parse_value()?;
"force_prefix" => {
result.prefix_forced = arg.parse_value()?;
"pad_with" => {
let pad_with_str = arg.val.error("pad_with must be specified")?;
if pad_with_str.graphemes(true).count() < 2 {
result.pad_with = Cow::Owned(pad_with_str.into());
} else {
return Err(Error::new(
"pad_with must be an empty string or a single character",
"range" => {
let (start, end) = arg
.error("range must be specified")?
.error("invalid range")?;
if !start.is_empty() {
result.range = start.parse::<f64>().error("invalid range start")?
if !end.is_empty() {
result.range = *result.range.start()
..=end.parse::<f64>().error("invalid range end")?;
"show" => {
result.show = arg.parse_value()?;
other => {
return Err(Error::new(format!("Unknown argument for 'eng': '{other}'")));
impl Formatter for EngFormatter {
fn format(&self, val: &Value, _config: &SharedConfig) -> Result<String, FormatError> {
match val {
&Value::Number { mut val, mut unit } => {
if !self.range.contains(&val) {
return Err(FormatError::NumberOutOfRange(val));
if !self.show {
return Ok(String::new());
let is_negative = val.is_sign_negative();
if is_negative {
val = -val;
if let Some(new_unit) = self.unit {
val = unit.convert(val, new_unit)?;
unit = new_unit;
let (min_prefix, max_prefix) = match (self.prefix, self.prefix_forced) {
(Some(prefix), true) => (prefix, prefix),
(Some(prefix), false) => (prefix, Prefix::max_available()),
(None, _) => (Prefix::min_available(), Prefix::max_available()),
let prefix = unit
.clamp_prefix(if min_prefix.is_binary() {
} else {
.clamp(min_prefix, max_prefix);
val = prefix.apply(val);
let mut digits = (val.max(1.).log10().floor() + 1.0) as i32 + is_negative as i32;
if self.width as i32 - digits >= 1 {
let round_up_to = self.width as i32 - digits - 1;
let m = 10f64.powi(round_up_to);
val = (val * m).round() / m;
digits = (val.max(1.).log10().floor() + 1.0) as i32 + is_negative as i32;
let sign = if is_negative { "-" } else { "" };
let mut retval = match self.width as i32 - digits {
i32::MIN..=0 => format!("{sign}{}", val.round()),
1 => format!("{}{sign}{}", self.pad_with, val.round() as i64),
rest => format!("{sign}{val:.*}", rest as usize - 1),
let display_prefix =
!self.prefix_hidden && prefix != Prefix::One && prefix != Prefix::OneButBinary;
let display_unit = !self.unit_hidden && unit != Unit::None;
if display_prefix {
if self.prefix_has_space {
retval.push(' ');
if display_unit {
if self.unit_has_space || (self.prefix_has_space && !display_prefix) {
retval.push(' ');
other => Err(FormatError::IncompatibleFormatter {
ty: other.type_name(),
fmt: "eng",
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn eng_rounding_and_negatives() {
let fmt = new_fmt!(eng, w: 3).unwrap();
let config = SharedConfig::default();
let result = fmt
&Value::Number {
val: -1.0,
unit: Unit::None,
assert_eq!(result, " -1");
let result = fmt
&Value::Number {
val: 9.9999,
unit: Unit::None,
assert_eq!(result, " 10");
let result = fmt
&Value::Number {
val: 999.9,
unit: Unit::Bytes,
assert_eq!(result, "1.0KB");
let result = fmt
&Value::Number {
val: -9.99,
unit: Unit::None,
assert_eq!(result, "-10");
let result = fmt
&Value::Number {
val: 9.94,
unit: Unit::None,
assert_eq!(result, "9.9");
let result = fmt
&Value::Number {
val: 9.95,
unit: Unit::None,
assert_eq!(result, " 10");
let fmt = new_fmt!(eng, w: 5, p: 1).unwrap();
let result = fmt
&Value::Number {
val: 321_600_000_000.,
unit: Unit::Bytes,
assert_eq!(result, "321.6GB");
fn eng_prefixes() {
let config = SharedConfig::default();
let val = Value::Number {
val: 14.96 * 1024. * 1024. * 1024.,
unit: Unit::Bytes,
let fmt = new_fmt!(eng, w: 5, p: Mi).unwrap();
let result = fmt.format(&val, &config).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, "14.96GiB");
let fmt = new_fmt!(eng, w: 4, p: Mi).unwrap();
let result = fmt.format(&val, &config).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, "15.0GiB");
let fmt = new_fmt!(eng, w: 3, p: Mi).unwrap();
let result = fmt.format(&val, &config).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, " 15GiB");
let fmt = new_fmt!(eng, w: 2, p: Mi).unwrap();
let result = fmt.format(&val, &config).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, "15GiB");