open_weather_map.rsuse super::*;
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use serde::{Deserializer, de};
pub(super) const GEO_URL: &str = "https://api.openweathermap.org/geo/1.0";
pub(super) const CURRENT_URL: &str = "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather";
pub(super) const FORECAST_URL: &str = "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast";
pub(super) const API_KEY_ENV: &str = "OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY";
pub(super) const CITY_ID_ENV: &str = "OPENWEATHERMAP_CITY_ID";
pub(super) const PLACE_ENV: &str = "OPENWEATHERMAP_PLACE";
pub(super) const ZIP_ENV: &str = "OPENWEATHERMAP_ZIP";
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, SmartDefault)]
#[serde(tag = "name", rename_all = "lowercase", deny_unknown_fields, default)]
pub struct Config {
#[serde(default = "getenv_openweathermap_api_key")]
api_key: Option<String>,
#[serde(default = "getenv_openweathermap_city_id")]
city_id: Option<String>,
#[serde(default = "getenv_openweathermap_place")]
place: Option<String>,
#[serde(default = "getenv_openweathermap_zip")]
zip: Option<String>,
coordinates: Option<(String, String)>,
units: UnitSystem,
lang: String,
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_forecast_hours")]
forecast_hours: usize,
pub fn deserialize_forecast_hours<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<usize, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
usize::deserialize(deserializer).and_then(|hours| {
if hours % 3 != 0 && hours > 120 {
"'forecast_hours' is not divisible by 3 and must be <= 120",
} else if hours % 3 != 0 {
Err(de::Error::custom("'forecast_hours' is not divisible by 3"))
} else if hours > 120 {
Err(de::Error::custom("'forecast_hours' must be <= 120"))
} else {
pub(super) struct Service<'a> {
api_key: &'a String,
units: &'a UnitSystem,
lang: &'a String,
location_query: Option<String>,
forecast_hours: usize,
impl<'a> Service<'a> {
pub(super) async fn new(autolocate: bool, config: &'a Config) -> Result<Service<'a>> {
let api_key = config.api_key.as_ref().or_error(|| {
format!("missing key 'service.api_key' and environment variable {API_KEY_ENV}",)
Ok(Self {
units: &config.units,
lang: &config.lang,
location_query: Service::get_location_query(autolocate, api_key, config).await?,
forecast_hours: config.forecast_hours,
async fn get_location_query(
autolocate: bool,
api_key: &String,
config: &Config,
) -> Result<Option<String>> {
if autolocate {
return Ok(None);
let mut location_query = config
.map(|(lat, lon)| format!("lat={lat}&lon={lon}"))
.or_else(|| config.city_id.as_ref().map(|x| format!("id={x}")));
location_query = match location_query {
Some(x) => Some(x),
None => match config.place.as_ref() {
Some(place) => {
let url = format!("{GEO_URL}/direct?q={place}&appid={api_key}");
.error("Geo request failed")?
.error("Geo failed to parse json")?
.map(|city| format!("lat={}&lon={}", city.lat, city.lon))
None => None,
location_query = match location_query {
Some(x) => Some(x),
None => match config.zip.as_ref() {
Some(zip) => {
let url = format!("{GEO_URL}/zip?zip={zip}&appid={api_key}");
let city: CityCoord = REQWEST_CLIENT
.error("Geo request failed")?
.error("Geo failed to parse json")?;
Some(format!("lat={}&lon={}", city.lat, city.lon))
None => None,
fn getenv_openweathermap_api_key() -> Option<String> {
fn getenv_openweathermap_city_id() -> Option<String> {
fn getenv_openweathermap_place() -> Option<String> {
fn getenv_openweathermap_zip() -> Option<String> {
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct ApiForecastResponse {
list: Vec<ApiInstantResponse>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct ApiInstantResponse {
weather: Vec<ApiWeather>,
main: ApiMain,
wind: ApiWind,
dt: i64,
impl ApiInstantResponse {
fn wind_kmh(&self, units: &UnitSystem) -> f64 {
* match units {
UnitSystem::Metric => 3.6,
UnitSystem::Imperial => 3.6 * 0.447,
fn to_moment(&self, units: &UnitSystem, current_data: &ApiCurrentResponse) -> WeatherMoment {
let is_night = current_data.sys.sunrise >= self.dt || self.dt >= current_data.sys.sunset;
WeatherMoment {
icon: weather_to_icon(self.weather[0].main.as_str(), is_night),
weather: self.weather[0].main.clone(),
weather_verbose: self.weather[0].description.clone(),
temp: self.main.temp,
apparent: self.main.feels_like,
humidity: self.main.humidity,
wind: self.wind.speed,
wind_kmh: self.wind_kmh(units),
wind_direction: self.wind.deg,
fn to_aggregate(&self, units: &UnitSystem) -> ForecastAggregateSegment {
ForecastAggregateSegment {
temp: Some(self.main.temp),
apparent: Some(self.main.feels_like),
humidity: Some(self.main.humidity),
wind: Some(self.wind.speed),
wind_kmh: Some(self.wind_kmh(units)),
wind_direction: self.wind.deg,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct ApiCurrentResponse {
instant: ApiInstantResponse,
sys: ApiSys,
name: String,
impl ApiCurrentResponse {
fn to_moment(&self, units: &UnitSystem) -> WeatherMoment {
self.instant.to_moment(units, self)
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct ApiWind {
speed: f64,
deg: Option<f64>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct ApiMain {
temp: f64,
feels_like: f64,
humidity: f64,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct ApiSys {
sunrise: i64,
sunset: i64,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct ApiWeather {
main: String,
description: String,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct CityCoord {
lat: f64,
lon: f64,
impl WeatherProvider for Service<'_> {
async fn get_weather(
autolocated: Option<&Coordinates>,
need_forecast: bool,
) -> Result<WeatherResult> {
let location_query = autolocated
.map(|al| format!("lat={}&lon={}", al.latitude, al.longitude))
.or_else(|| self.location_query.clone())
.error("no location was provided")?;
let current_url = format!(
api_key = self.api_key,
units = match self.units {
UnitSystem::Metric => "metric",
UnitSystem::Imperial => "imperial",
lang = self.lang,
let current_data: ApiCurrentResponse = REQWEST_CLIENT
.error("Current weather request failed")?
.error("Current weather request failed")?;
let current_weather = current_data.to_moment(self.units);
let sunrise = DateTime::<Utc>::from_timestamp(current_data.sys.sunrise, 0)
.error("Unable to convert timestamp to DateTime")?;
let sunset = DateTime::<Utc>::from_timestamp(current_data.sys.sunset, 0)
.error("Unable to convert timestamp to DateTime")?;
if !need_forecast || self.forecast_hours == 0 {
return Ok(WeatherResult {
location: current_data.name,
forecast: None,
let forecast_url = format!(
api_key = self.api_key,
units = match self.units {
UnitSystem::Metric => "metric",
UnitSystem::Imperial => "imperial",
lang = self.lang,
cnt = self.forecast_hours / 3,
let forecast_data: ApiForecastResponse = REQWEST_CLIENT
.error("Forecast weather request failed")?
.error("Forecast weather request failed")?;
let data_agg: Vec<ForecastAggregateSegment> = forecast_data
.map(|f| f.to_aggregate(self.units))
let fin = forecast_data
.error("no weather available")?
.to_moment(self.units, ¤t_data);
let forecast = Some(Forecast::new(&data_agg, fin));
Ok(WeatherResult {
location: current_data.name,
fn weather_to_icon(weather: &str, is_night: bool) -> WeatherIcon {
match weather {
"Clear" => WeatherIcon::Clear { is_night },
"Rain" | "Drizzle" => WeatherIcon::Rain { is_night },
"Clouds" => WeatherIcon::Clouds { is_night },
"Fog" | "Mist" => WeatherIcon::Fog { is_night },
"Thunderstorm" => WeatherIcon::Thunder { is_night },
"Snow" => WeatherIcon::Snow,
_ => WeatherIcon::Default,