
Module kdeconnect

Expand description

KDEConnect indicator

Display info from the currently connected device in KDEConnect, updated asynchronously.

Block colours are updated based on the battery level, unless all bat_* thresholds are set to 0, in which case the block colours will depend on the notification count instead.


device_idDevice ID as per the output of kdeconnect --list-devices.Chooses the first found device, if any.
formatA string to customise the output of this block. See below for available placeholders." $icon $name{ $bat_icon $bat_charge|}{ $notif_icon|} "
format_disconnectedSame as format but when device is disconnected" $icon "
format_missingSame as format but when device does not exist" $icon x "
bat_infoMin battery level below which state is set to info.60
bat_goodMin battery level below which state is set to good.60
bat_warningMin battery level below which state is set to warning.30
bat_criticalMin battery level below which state is set to critical.15
iconIcon based on connection’s statusIcon-
bat_iconBattery level indicator (only when connected and if supported)Icon-
bat_chargeBattery charge level (only when connected and if supported)Number%
network_iconCell Network indicator (only when connected and if supported)Icon-
network_typeCell Network type (only when connected and if supported)Text-
network_strengthCell Network level (only when connected and if supported)Number%
notif_iconOnly when connected and there are notificationsIcon-
notif_countNumber of notifications on your phone (only when connected and non-zero)Number-
nameName of your device as reported by KDEConnect (if available)Text-


Do not show the name, do not set the “good” state.

block = "kdeconnect"
format = " $icon {$bat_icon $bat_charge |}{$notif_icon |}{$network_icon$network_strength $network_type |}"
bat_good = 101

§Icons Used

  • bat (as a progression)
  • bat_charging (as a progression)
  • net_cellular (as a progression)
  • notification
  • phone
  • phone_disconnected

