
Module hueshift

Expand description

Manage display temperature

This block displays the current color temperature in Kelvin. When scrolling upon the block the color temperature is changed. A left click on the block sets the color temperature to click_temp that is by default to 6500K. A right click completely resets the color temperature to its default value (6500K).


formatA string to customise the output of this block. See below for available placeholders." $temperature "
stepThe step color temperature is in/decreased in Kelvin.100
hue_shifterProgram used to control screen color.Detect automatically
max_tempMax color temperature in Kelvin.10000
min_tempMin color temperature in Kelvin.1000
click_tempLeft click color temperature in Kelvin.6500
temperatureCurrent temperatureNumber-
ActionDefault button
temperature_upWheel Up
temperature_downWheel Down

§Available Hue Shifters

"gammastep"X11 and Wayland

Note that at the moment, only wl_gammarelay and wl_gammarelay_rs subscribe to the events and update the bar when the temperature is modified externally. Also, these are the only drivers at the moment that work under Wayland without flickering.


block = "hueshift"
hue_shifter = "redshift"
step = 50
click_temp = 3500

A hard limit is set for the max_temp to 10000K and the same for the min_temp which is 1000K. The step has a hard limit as well, defined to 500K to avoid too brutal changes.


