Expand description

Currently focused window

This block displays the title and/or the active marks (when used with sway/i3) of the currently focused window. Supported WMs are: sway, i3 and most wlroots-based compositors. See driver option for more info.


formatA string to customise the output of this block. See below for available placeholders." $title.str(max_w:21) |"
driverWhich driver to use. Available values: sway_ipc - for i3 and sway, wlr_toplevel_management - for Wayland compositors that implement wlr-foreign-toplevel-management-unstable-v1, auto - try to automatically guess which driver to use."auto"
titleWindow’s title (may be absent)Text-
marksWindow’s marks (present only with sway/i3)Text-
visible_marksWindow’s marks that do not start with _ (present only with sway/i3)Text-


block = "focused_window"
full = " $title.str(max_w:15) |"
short = " $title.str(max_w:10) |"

This example instead of hiding block when the window’s title is empty displays “Missing”

block = "focused_window"
format = " $title.str(0,21) | Missing "


