
Module external_ip

Expand description

External IP address and various information about it


formatA string to customise the output of this block. See below for available placeholders." $ip $country_flag "
intervalInterval in seconds for automatic updates300
with_network_managerIf ‘true’, listen for NetworkManager events and update the IP immediately if there was a changetrue
use_ipv4If ‘true’, use IPv4 for obtaining all infofalse
ipThe external IP address, as seen from a remote serverText-
versionIPv4 or IPv6Text-
cityCity name, such as “San Francisco”Text-
regionRegion name, such as “California”Text-
region_codeRegion code, such as “CA” for CaliforniaText-
countryCountry code (2 letter, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)Text-
country_nameShort country nameText-
country_codeCountry code (2 letter, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)Text-
country_code_iso3Country code (3 letter, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)Text-
country_capitalCapital of the countryText-
country_tldCountry specific TLD (top-level domain)Text-
continent_codeContinent codeText-
in_euRegion code, such as “CA”Flag-
postalZIP / Postal codeText-
latitudeLatitudeNumber- (TODO: make degrees?)
longitudeLongitudeNumber- (TODO: make degrees?)
utc_offsetUTC offset (with daylight saving time) as +HHMM or -HHMM (HH is hours, MM is minutes)Text-
country_calling_codeCountry calling code (dial in code, comma separated)Text-
currencyCurrency code (ISO 4217)Text-
currency_nameCurrency nameText-
languagesLanguages spoken (comma separated 2 or 3 letter ISO 639 code with optional hyphen separated country suffix)Text-
country_areaArea of the country (in sq km)Number-
country_populationPopulation of the countryNumber-
timezoneTime zoneText-
asnAutonomous system (AS)Text-
country_flagFlag of the countryText (glyph)-


block = "external_ip"
format = " $ip $country_code "


All the information comes from https://ipapi.co/json/ Check their documentation here: https://ipapi.co/api/#complete-location5

The IP is queried, 1) When i3status-rs starts, 2) When a signal is received on D-Bus about a network configuration change, 3) Every 5 minutes. This periodic refresh exists to catch IP updates that don’t trigger a notification, for example due to a IP refresh at the router.

Flags: They are not icons but unicode glyphs. You will need a font that includes them. Tested with: https://www.babelstone.co.uk/Fonts/Flags.html

