
Module calendar

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This block displays upcoming calendar events retrieved from a CalDav ICalendar server.


next_event_formatA string to customize the output of this block when there is a next event in the calendar. See below for available placeholders." $icon $start.datetime(f:‘%a %H:%M’) $summary "
ongoing_event_formatA string to customize the output of this block when an event is ongoing." $icon $summary (ends at $end.datetime(f:‘%H:%M’)) "
no_events_formatA string to customize the output of this block when there are no events" $icon "
redirect_formatA string to customize the output of this block when the authorization is asked" $icon Check your web browser "
fetch_intervalFetch events interval in seconds60
alternate_events_intervalAlternate overlapping events interval in seconds10
events_within_hoursNumber of hours to look for events in the future48
sourceArray of sources to pull calendars from[]
warning_thresholdWarning threshold in seconds for the upcoming event300
browser_cmdCommand to open event details in a browser. The block passes the HTML link as an argument"xdg-open"

§Source Configuration

urlCalDav calendar server URLN/A
authAuthentication configuration (unauthenticated, basic, or oauth2)unauthenticated
calendarsList of calendar names to monitor. If empty, all calendars will be fetched.[]

Note: Currently only one source is supported

ActionDescriptionDefault button
open_linkOpens the HTML link of the eventLeft



block = "calendar"
next_event_format = " $icon $start.datetime(f:'%a %H:%M') $summary "
ongoing_event_format = " $icon $summary (ends at $end.datetime(f:'%H:%M')) "
no_events_format = " $icon no events "
fetch_interval = 30
alternate_events_interval = 10
events_within_hours = 48
warning_threshold = 600
browser_cmd = "firefox"
url = "https://caldav.example.com/calendar/"
calendars = ["user/calendar"]
type = "unauthenticated"

§Basic Authentication

block = "calendar"
next_event_format = " $icon $start.datetime(f:'%a %H:%M') $summary "
ongoing_event_format = " $icon $summary (ends at $end.datetime(f:'%H:%M')) "
no_events_format = " $icon no events "
fetch_interval = 30
alternate_events_interval = 10
events_within_hours = 48
warning_threshold = 600
browser_cmd = "firefox"
url = "https://caldav.example.com/calendar/"
calendars = [ "Holidays" ]
type = "basic"
username = "your_username"
password = "your_password"

Note: You can also configure the username and password in a separate TOML file.


username = "my-username"
password = "my-password"

Source auth configuration with credentials_path:

type = "basic"
credentials_path = "~/.config/i3status-rust/example_credentials.toml"

§OAuth2 Authentication (Google Calendar)

To access the CalDav API of Google, follow these steps to enable the API and obtain the client_id and client_secret:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console: Navigate to the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Create a New Project: If you don’t already have a project, click on the project dropdown and select “New Project”. Give your project a name and click “Create”.
  3. Enable the CalDAV API: In the project dashboard, go to the “APIs & Services” > “Library”. Search for “CalDAV API” and click on it, then click “Enable”.
  4. Set Up OAuth Consent Screen: Go to “APIs & Services” > “OAuth consent screen”. Fill out the required information and save.
  5. Create Credentials:
    • Navigate to “APIs & Services” > “Credentials”.
    • Click “Create Credentials” and select “OAuth 2.0 Client IDs”.
    • Configure the consent screen if you haven’t already.
    • Set the application type to “Web application”.
    • Add your authorized redirect URIs. For example, http://localhost:8080.
    • Click “Create” and note down the client_id and client_secret.
  6. Download the Credentials: Click on the download icon next to your OAuth 2.0 Client ID to download the JSON file containing your client ID and client secret. Use these values in your configuration.
block = "calendar"
next_event_format = " $icon $start.datetime(f:'%a %H:%M') $summary "
ongoing_event_format = " $icon $summary (ends at $end.datetime(f:'%H:%M')) "
no_events_format = " $icon no events "
fetch_interval = 30
alternate_events_interval = 10
events_within_hours = 48
warning_threshold = 600
browser_cmd = "firefox"
url = "https://apidata.googleusercontent.com/caldav/v2/"
calendars = ["primary"]
type = "oauth2"
client_id = "your_client_id"
client_secret = "your_client_secret"
auth_url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth"
token_url = "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token"
auth_token = "~/.config/i3status-rust/calendar.auth_token"
redirect_port = 8080
scopes = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.events"]

Note: You can also configure the client_id and client_secret in a separate TOML file.


client_id = "my-client_id"
client_secret = "my-client_secret"

Source auth configuration with credentials_path:

type = "oauth2"
credentials_path = "~/.config/i3status-rust/google_credentials.toml"
auth_url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth"
token_url = "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token"
auth_token = "~/.config/i3status-rust/calendar.auth_token"
redirect_port = 8080
scopes = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.events"]

§Format Configuration

The format configuration is a string that can include placeholders to be replaced with dynamic content. Placeholders can be:

  • $summary: Summary of the event
  • $description: Description of the event
  • $url: Url of the event
  • $location: Location of the event
  • $start: Start time of the event
  • $end: End time of the event

§Icons Used

  • calendar


